Development and promotion of new approaches and tools to enhance competitiveness and innovation in the primary sector in Southeast Europe
The project “APP4INNO – Establishment and promotion of new approaches and tools for the strengthening of primary sector’s competitiveness and innovation in the South East Europe”, co-funded by the “South East Europe” Operational Programme, aims at promoting new approaches to strengthen innovation and technological transfer in the primary sector. APP4 INNO project’s starting point was the need of creating transnational networks among small and microenterprises able to establish permanent innovation processes and to mobilize critical mass. It will “transfer” approaches, services and tools to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural SMEs.
The project lead partner is Veneto Agricoltura – Regional Agency forAgriculture, Forestry and Agri-food sectors from Italy. There are altogether 15 partners from Italy, Hungary,Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, and Ukraine.
Start date
End date
Project SEE/D/0223 /1.2/X APP4INNO
Funded by South East Europe programme
Official website
Project Partners
Regional Agency for Agriculture, Forestry and Agri-Food sectors
Established in 1999 by the Veneto Region, Veneto Agricoltura helps to implement regional policies aimed to promoting the economic development and the preservation of the environment in agricultural, forestry and agro-food areas. Veneto Agricoltura is engaged in increasing the competitiveness of farms, through the transfer of innovation, product safety and product quality improvement as well as the enhancement of the rural world and local products. Veneto Agricoltura works to preserve the environment through the sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of biodiversity, the promotion of energy production from renewable sources.
Politecnico di Milano
METID (Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica) is part of Politecnico di Milano, one of the most important Universities in Italy in the field of engineering and architecture. Metid was created to provide support to teachers in this didactical innovation via the use of computer, multimedia and telecommunications technologies, creating collaboration agreements with internal and external bodies, and comparing its activities width other Italian and international experience.
Varna Economic Development Agency
Varna Economic Development Agency (VEDA) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental association, registered to operate in public benefit. It is located on the territory of Varna District in Bulgaria, East Europe.The agency was established in 1997 under the joint program of Varna Municipality and USAID to assist the advancement of regional economic development. Since 1998 VEDA is a member of the network of the Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies and Business Centers (BARDA).
The south transdanubian regional innovation agency nonprofit ltd.
Based on its achievements in the field of regional innovation, the South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency (STRDA) – in collaboration with other innovation support organisations – established the Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (STRIA) in 2008.
Cluj Chamber of Commerce and Industry Camera de Comer? ?i Industrie Cluj
Cluj Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an autonomous, non-governmental, apolitical organization representing the interests of its members companies. CCI Cluj has currently over 720 member companies, organized in 6 sections: trade, industry, tourism & services, agriculture & food industry, transports and constructions.
Drama Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Drama Chamber is a leading agency that promotes the region of Drama, supports the growth and investment activities in the area and provides assistance, support and encouragement to the dynamic SMEs of the region. The Chamber of Drama was established by the degree of law of 12.10.1926 (Legislation 358 A) concerning “The creation of a Regional Chamber in Drama”.
Consortium for the Development of Polesine
The Consortium for Development of Polesine has been established in 1963 promoted by the Province of Rovigo, the Chamber of Commerce and all the Municipalities of the Province of Rovigo. Territorial Agency for programming, coordination and animator of the social and economic development, it operates as Agency for the development of the territory of the province of Rovigo (Southern area of the Veneto Region).
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAM-Bari), established in 1962, is the Italian Institute of the CIHEAM (Centre International d’Hautes ?tudes Agronomiques M?diterran?ennes), an Intergovernmental Organization founded under the aegis of the OECD and the European Council on May 21, 1962 as a result of an Agreement among the Government of the Southern European countries: Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Turkey. Currently, the Centre numbers thirteen member Countries: Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey.
Centre for Entrepreneurship
Centre for Entrepreneurship, business support institution, was founded in March 1997 as an NGO. Founders of Centre were professors of J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek and Entrepreneurs from the Osijek-Baranja County. Main activities of Centre are Entrepreneurial support and Project implementation. Organization has 9 employees.
Albanian Agro Business Council
The Albanian Agribusiness Council (KASH) was established on September 15, 2000 as the union of independent agribusiness associations. In its network KASH has about 40 000 farmers and 2 200 agribusiness entrepreneurs who have invested in agribusiness throughout the country. KASH presently consists of 23 agribusiness trade associations and unifies associations of entrepreneurs and farmer’s union into a strengthened advocacy front. About 27% of the total members are women. KASH aims protecting its members’ interests and promoting agricultural development.
Institute of Food Technology – Novi Sad
Institute of Food Technology (FINS) is one of the leading research institutes in the field of food and feed science and technology and dissemination of knowledge in Serbia and South Eastern Europe. Our research and the business strategy are consistent with national and European strategy of research and development priorities in agriculture and food areas. The main guidelines of this strategy include the advancement of knowledge in sustainable food production management, production and exploitation of biological resources and the development of new technologies and products in the food chain.
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Consumer Protection
Ministry of Agriculture’s mission is to implement the government’s program in the field of agriculture, food and consumer protection. In accordance with the government’s political program, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection , has the main objective of sustainable growth of agricultural production, increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products, livestock and processed products , by using efficient and sustainable natural resources.
Regional Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises, Alma Mons Ltd
The Agency was founded in 2001 as limited liability joint stock Company with the non-profit character. According to the property structure of the founders, the Agency is a public-private partnership. The founding members of the Agency are 23 the most prominent institutions and organizations of AP Vojvodina.
Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry
Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, perform tasks in the field of agriculture, forestry, wildlife, water, food, veterinary, plant protection, fisheries, farmers’ cooperatives and rural development, and to approve the mid-term program to improve fisheries in fishing areas; cedes the use of fishing areas, determines the amount of compensation for the use of fishing areas, establishes professional activities to improve agricultural production; approves specific management plans and programs for private forest management, establish and approve hunting ground; approve the management plan, hunting, gives approval of the fee from the field of water management, preparation of legislation passed by the Assembly and the Government, and include: program development of agriculture and the acts of the special education budget, funds and other forms of organization, balance of agricultural and food products and basic materials and conditions Export and import of certain products; protection program and use of agricultural land; breeding program of measures for the improvement of livestock and Education Scientific and Professional Council for the implementation of measures in animal selection, program promotion, protection and breeding of wild animals as well as general guidelines for the development and improvement of forest and water management plan, recommend measures for the implementation of programs, policies and basis and monitor their implementation, preparation of acts of incorporation for forest management and water and the articles of incorporation of agricultural services, preparation and other general acts and decisions in these areas; supervise the work agricultural services and administrative supervision unless the inspection; cooperates with the authorities and carry out other specific tasks.