The report is a collaborative initiative of TRADINN partnership, which presents the results of the inventory and current state of art in the field of innovation support for traditional companies in the three partners’ countries Poland, Bulgaria and Italy. There were 50 companies from these countries, involved in an online research. All answers collected were processed completely confidential and the results were reported only in an aggregate, percentage form.

Report consists of four parts:

  • Profile of respondents from the partners’ countries
  • State-of-art of conducting innovative projects
  • Key barriers and issues in front of introducing innovation in companies
  • Findings

The report is available HERE.

The report was a base for further discussions between partners at the Peer Learning Meeting, organized by Fenice Onlus Foundation (Italy) on March 11, 2021 and for development of the DESIGIN OPTIONS PAPER (DOP). The final DOP paper will be presented to local stakeholders in June, 2021.