News / #Agriculture
ITM BEE-BSB Project Closing Conference

Varna Economic Development Agency (VEDA) organizes a Closing Conference for the BSB 136 project „INCREASE TRADING
The conference is opened to the local stakeholders and public in general. It aims to present project ...
#Agriculture #BeeKeeping #Honey #Projects
TRADINN Project Peer Learning Meeting Bulgaria

Peer Learning Meeting Bulgaria held online via the Microsoft Teams on 8-9 April, 2021. It was organized under the project „Supporting innovation in traditional companies” – TRADINN with funding by the H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 EU Programme. Representatives of the partners’ organizations Varna ...
#Agriculture #Innovation #Meeting
Trends and perspectives in the development of beekeeping in Bulgaria

Presentation on the trends and perspectives in the development of beekeeping in Bulgaria – assoc. proff. Dr. Maria Stanimirova, University of Economics – Varna.
The presentation was made during a meeting for exchange of information held on November 5, 2020 in the city of Varna, ...
#Agriculture #BeeKeeping #BlackSea #Honey #Webinar
Presentation on the trends and new measures for financing beekeepers in the situation of COVID-19

Presentation on the trends and new measures for financing beekeepers in the situation of covid-19. Discussion and questions – Мr. Yuri Zarev, Varna territorial office of the National Service Advices in Agriculture
The presentation was made during a meeting for exchange of information ...
#Agriculture #BeeKeeping #BlackSea #Honey #Webinar
An Integrated Approach to Management and Financing of Bee Farms

A meeting was held on March 26, 2021 under the project BSB 136 ITM BEE-BSB – INCREASING TRADE AND MODERNIZATION OF BEEKEEPING AND RELATED SECTORS IN THE BLACK SEA REGION, with the support of SOP “20-20” Black Sea. The event is part of a series of meetings, conduct by the ITM ...
#Agriculture #BeeKeeping #BlackSea #Honey #Webinar
AgroNet project brochure

Find out what AgroNet project is and how to use the platform for transnational trade in the Black Sea Basin region.
Download form here
#Agriculture #BlackSea #Business – New cross-border trade opportunity – a new cross-border trade opportunity for farmers, agricultural cooperatives, processors, wholesalers, retailers, exporters, importers and other interested stakeholders in the Black Sea Basin Region.
More than 700 registered users, products’ advertising, feasibility ...
#Agriculture #BlackSea #Business
Online training under the TeaWay project

Training under the project BSB541 TEAWAY – Promotion of tea as an engine of growth in the Black Sea region, was organized online on 27.11.2020. from Varna Economic Development Agency in cooperation with the assistance of the Department “Agriculture Economy” at University of Economics Varna ...
#Agriculture #BlackSea
New guideline under the BSB136 ITM BEE project

A new “Guide on the melliferous potential, climatic conditions, air and soil quality in the Black Sea Basin” was developed under the BSB136 ITM BEE project by the subject of apiculture and connected sectors.
Download from here
#Agriculture #BeeKeeping #BlackSea #Honey
TeaWay Audiobook

Tea is one of the oldest and the second most consumed drink in the world after water. Until the end of the 19th century, the production was concentrated in Asia, however, rising global demand for tea have led other countries to cultivate their own tea. Now, it’s produced in 40 countries ...
#Agriculture #BlackSea