Young Blue Entrepreneurs Across the World
Young Blue Entrepreneurs Across the World (YBE) activities are directed to support entrepreneurship of young men and women across the world in the field of blue economy. Lead organization of the project was Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria – Consejería de Juventud e Igualdad (Youth and Equality Department).
In the period 1 September, 2014 – 16 February, 2015 VEDA has initiated and organized training for young unemployed and social excluded people to acquire a new profession in the area of Blue economy as drivers of boats/yachts up to 40 kt within the YBE project funding.
Pictures of the Training Course for socially disadvantaged and other young people, conducted at the Bulgarian Maritime Qualification center in Varna could be downloaded from here
Pictures of the Training Course for unemployed young people, conducted at Naval Academy “Nikola Vaptsatov” in Varna could be downloaded from here.
Start date
End date
Project funded under the Grant Agreement from August 6th, 2013 for an Action with Multiple Beneficiaries
Agreement Number 2013–3852/011–011 YT7 CAAP7
Project Partners
Lead partner of the project is Cabilio de Gran Canaria located in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. The project includes partners from three continents:
Africa – Gana and Gambia
South America – St. Lucia and Jamaica
Europe – Spain, Greece and Bulgaria